Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Stormy Day

“CRASSHH,” massive waves hit the shore. The treacherous rain made me feel like a bunch of thugs were up in the sky shooting down at me.   I wondered why I even came to the beach. Birds were huddling up like a rugby team before a match, but trying hard to keep their stance. I couldn’t hear a thing. Rays of sun shining through holes in the dark black clouds.

 I flinched as the sand whipped my legs. It was a dark cloudy day, this has got to be the biggest storm that I had ever seen. The wind was blowing in my face I could barely see in front of me. All I could hear was the waves crashing down in the sea. As I felt a cold chill down my back I yelled out to the sky “Is that it”. I was regretting going go to the beach.

 I was having a crazy thought in my mind, my mind was saying go for a swim. I had no togs but I started to get really keen, so I looked around to see if anyone could see me no one was in sight. I slowly pulled down my pants and I sprinted into the water. To my surprise the water wasn’t as cold as I thought It would be. It was very warm from the rain I hoped.  This had got to be the most fun I’d ever had

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